...But I'm pretty sure I did anyway.
I'm at this weird stage in my life where I still feel like I'm 21 and invincible, but at the same time I'm starting to feel old. Not like elderly old. Just older.
I know I'm only 25, but I'm now starting to look back at my college years and they're beginning to feel light years away. So much changes so quickly. My husband and I are both having health problems where it used to just be me. We're worrying about things like cholesterol and antioxidants which makes it hard to focus on fun things. Which brings me to my next point:
I think I'm turning into a hermit. What was fun three years ago just isn't as fun now. I just love being home. The food is awesome and cheap, the entertainment is always exactly what I want to watch, and the only person I have to deal with is the man I signed up to deal with crap with.
When we do go out, especially if there are loads of people, I just feel overwhelmed. Where we live doesn't help either. There are few entertaining things actually in the area. Most things are either in Spokane or Seattle which is a 3+ hour drive either way. Once you factor in fuel and food, a trip to either becomes a mini vacation in cost. When you're two people living on one income, you have to get creative with what defines your entertainment.
Streaming Netflix is a god send. As I type I am watching part 3 of the BBC Daniel Deronda with Hugh Dancy. Would I have ever rented this? Probably not, but it's there and I'm watching it and I'm happy. For only $8 a month, it's totally worth it.
We've also found a love for board/video games. It turns out that I'm really good at Uno and Battle of the Sexes. I've also discovered that some video games cause me to have anxiety issues so I need to avoid them. Anything where I have to sneak up and kill something is a problem.
It's like hide and seek all over again - I'm hiding, the person is right there, and I feel I'm about to pee myself. Killing things guns blazing, however, is not a problem.
I'm off to find new ideas to keep me busy at the casa.