Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wii Fit Challenge

I have serious issues doing things. I'm great at planning, but the actual execution part I have issues.

I'm kind of a naysayer and I'm really hard on myself. Like I should get in trouble for bullying... myself.

I really do have goals and hopes and I try to do things...

Do or Do Not, There is No Try.
I need to really work on my discipline and I have serious issues with going to the gym. I work out when I get to the gym, I just can't seem to physically get myself to the gym.

So I set up the Wii today and issues myself a challenge. Every day just play the WiiFit. Even if it's only to weight myself and take a fitness test. I need to just take care of myself and be healthy. I got the WiiFit set up, did my fitness test, and my results were less than stellar. I already knew that I have to pour myself into my jeans and then make sure I don't sit down in them. Or breathe. I can't say I was surprised.

I'm planning on checking in periodically to see how close I am to my goals. I want to lose 10lbs in two months. I want to not be depressed anymore. It's really tiring being depressed, and I really feel like if I could just start exercising more I'd feel better. So here goes again. To working out... like I mean it.

Do or do not. There is no try.


  1. I've tried to make that goal too! Wii fit makes it easy to have decent exercise in your house . . . but it makes fun of me for having no balance.

    Good luck! :)

  2. Good for you! You can do it!

    I have that Jenny McCarthy Wii game at the store if you want to borrow it. I might have the UFC one which is supposed to be incredible (but challenging).

